Friday, November 20, 2009

The shift to online marketing continues... Small businesses plan on using e-mail & social media as primary strategies in 2010. The majority are not planning on using radio or TV (VerticalResponse).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Mobile Marketing Association predicts mobile marketing to grow by 27% in 2010, to 2.1 billion dollars. This is tremendous growth in a cautious economy where companies are still focusing on careful budgeting and cost containment strategies.

Mobile marketers bear a significant responsibility in the advancement of the marketing medium. Companies are looking for case studies - statistical data proving that mobile marketing is worth the investment of their marketing dollars. It is my professional opinin that mobile marketing is extremely effective when used appropriately, and it is the strategy that determines the success or failure of this emerging marketing medium.

As a leading interactive agency, we make sure that our mobile marketing strategies are integrated carefully with other marketing channels. Key components include being very careful to respect the privacy of the cell phone carrier and the opt-in nature of the responses. Our bulk SMS marketing platform actually deactivates a cell phone number in our system when a customer decides to opt out. Targeting the appropriate demographics using text messaging is also important. After the initial response is received, our SMS marketing software allows us to sort responses several ways to further enhance our targeted marketing approach. For more mobile marketing info, go to

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Join current marketing discussion on Facebook-best practices for social media.